Reflection of Life Memorial Folders

Find desired layout below and click on the picture or text to go to that template.

Front and Back of the Memorial Folder


Inside of the Memorial Folder
To aid in the writing of the biography in the Memorial Folder, we have supplied a Questionnaire to be completed by the family.
Then choose one of the choices below.

Inside design with pictures boxes.


Inside design without picture boxes.

Inside of the Memorial Folder with a verse
This can only be used with the Memorial Folders without
the white picture boxes on the inside.

Editable/Custom Verses
This template allows you to insert any of your custom verses that
you saved in your verse library and over 100 editable text verses.
Including the verses below.

Custom Verse
Pre-Formatted Verses
Please select the template by clicking on the desired verse.
These are for the back of the Service Record. This is NOT to be used for the inside.

America the beautiful


Comfort verse

Crossing the Bar

It's difficult when someone...



For Every Burden...

God hath not promised...


God grant me the Serenity...

I am not there

I'm Free


John 11:25,26

The Lord's Prayer

Mathew 19:14


In Memory of a Mother

My Farm

O'gentlest heart of Jesus


When Peace, Like a River

Psalm 121

The Sheaf of Wheat...


St. Francis

St. Francis (2)



Treasured Seasons

Twenty Third Psalm

To a Waterfowl


Dios te salve Maria

Twenty Third Psalm (Spanish)


St. Francis (Spanish)